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Dismissal Procedures

New Dismissal Procedures for Walkers

As we plan for the new school year, our first thoughts are continuously for the safety of each student on our campus. Thus, we have spent much time contemplating the best way to dismiss these students in an orderly and safe manner at the end of each school day.

We have developed a new procedure for our car riders which allows students to be picked up in less than 30 minutes at the end of the school day by facilitating the use of double lanes. However, we have continued concern that many students continue to walk to the back of the school to get in parent cars that are on the street or parked at different locations throughout the neighborhoods behind our school. This practice continues to be of concern to us because it poses safety issues for our students as well as backs up traffic and makes for an unsafe driving experience. To ensure that all KMS students remain safe, we are asking that only students who live in neighborhoods adjacent to KMS walk home. In order to facilitate this new procedure, we are asking that you provide the address which your child will be walking to and it must match the address that is on the proof of residence for your student’s attendance at our school.

Please fill out the KMS Walker Request Form (click on the link below) with the correct information and we will let you know if your child is able to be a walker for the 2023-2024 school year by using the address that you provide for verification. All other students who are not riding the bus should be picked up at the front of the school at the end of the school day. Thank you for your cooperation and your help in keeping our students safe!

KMS Walker Request Form